Game Mechanics

Part 0, Game-Play & Controls

There are four equip slots: weapons, armor, other, accessory. Whenever you pick up an equip-able item (by walking on it), you need to click on it in your inventory to equip it. To unequip &/or drop an item, press the red X on top of the slot. You need to have a weapon equipped to be able to shoot your projectile. To shoot projectiles, right-click or *Press i to toggle fire projectiles*. To use potions/gold, press on it in the inventory. Land Of Might also has a store where you can exchange gold for potions (Ctrl + press buy to max buy potions) and low-level items. Press R to be sent back to the spawn (only works if alive). Press R to suicide in hell. There will be monthly competitions, so join the Discord for more info.

Part 1, What is land of might?

Land Of Might is a retro based bullet hell MMO/MMORPG browser/web-game. There is no sign up required and anyone with a keyboard and an internet connection can play. The aim of the game is to destroy monsters, collaborate with other players, form armies, and collect might. There are monthly "might" competitions so join the discord for more info. There will be monthly competitions, so join the Discord for more info.

Part 2, What are the system requirements/how does it work?

Part 3, What are the 7 Stats / How does damage work?

In Land Of Might there are seven different stats, each providing their own unique attributes:

Part 4, How does death work?

Part 5, What is the Underworld/Hell/Land Of Might & how do they work?

Part 6, NPC Behavior & Might